first of all at my school being different makes you cool second of all make a sequil where the kid get's revenge (not killing)
first of all at my school being different makes you cool second of all make a sequil where the kid get's revenge (not killing)
make it longer or at least send in a sequal
I don't get it
half the movie didn't make sence
And I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
I liked it
lay off the Canadian jokes next time though I live in Canada
please finish has major potential
amazingly funny
at first I thought it was going to be one of those make funs that arn't funny at all but you showed me I loved it
it's so true every word is true I tell you
great for amusic videos
now I like funny stuff but as far as music videos go that was good
it could have been good
it started good but then you ended it in the best part why so much potential wasted try finishing first then send again I will vote good
Hey Guys!!
Been here a long time doing art. I spend my free time working on games and art.
I go by Mundane Massacre other places ;)
Multimedia designer
Joined on 4/8/05