Hey guys I am working on a game I plan to have published on various outlets such as Steam and Ouya in the future so I will be needing voice actors for some of the roles throughout my game. I will likely be a paid job once everything is said and done depending on your part. Everyone will of course be credited regardless of how minor the part. I am looking for a variety of roles and will be looking in various places for voice actors if you are interested in joining in please shoot me a line either here or through email.
The game has a website if you would like to check us out. I would love if people want to follow us the more support for us the better. We plan to put out a demo by the end of the summer time here on newgrounds for people to try out.
Email: blackenthesunthegame@gmail.com
Blacken the Sun Website
Blacken the Sun Facebook page
Blacken the Sun Twitter
Blacken the Sun Google+
Thanks for all the help guys always loved newgrounds been here for a long time (as you can prolly tell from my rank)
Checked out the site, I'm all over this! I'll get you a line or 2 as soon as I can.
Sounds good can't wait to hear.